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4. Add helper functions for sessions

To make it easy to access session information and protect our API routes we will create some helper functions:

import { serialize } from "cookie";
import { cookies, headers } from "next/headers";
import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";
import Session, { SessionContainer, VerifySessionOptions } from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";
import { PreParsedRequest, CollectingResponse } from "supertokens-node/framework/custom";
import { HTTPMethod } from "supertokens-node/types";
import { ensureSuperTokensInit } from "./config/backend";


export async function getSSRSession(
req?: NextRequest,
options?: VerifySessionOptions
): Promise<{
session: SessionContainer | undefined;
hasToken: boolean;
hasInvalidClaims: boolean;
baseResponse: CollectingResponse;
nextResponse?: NextResponse;
}> {
const query = req !== undefined ? Object.fromEntries(new URL(req.url).searchParams.entries()) : {};
const parsedCookies: Record<string, string> = Object.fromEntries(
(req !== undefined ? req.cookies : cookies()).getAll().map((cookie) => [, cookie.value])

* Pre parsed request is a wrapper exposed by SuperTokens. It is used as a helper to detect if the
* original request contains session tokens. We then use this pre parsed request to call `getSession`
* to check if there is a valid session.
let baseRequest = new PreParsedRequest({
method: req !== undefined ? (req.method as HTTPMethod) : "get",
url: req !== undefined ? req.url : "",
query: query,
headers: req !== undefined ? req.headers : headers(),
cookies: parsedCookies,
getFormBody: () => req!.formData(),
getJSONBody: () => req!.json(),

* Collecting response is a wrapper exposed by SuperTokens. In this case we are using an empty
* CollectingResponse when calling `getSession`. If the request contains valid session tokens
* the SuperTokens SDK will attach all the relevant tokens to the collecting response object which
* we can then use to return those session tokens in the final result (refer to `withSession` in this file)
let baseResponse = new CollectingResponse();

try {
* `getSession` will throw if session is required and there is no valid session. You can use
* `options` to configure whether or not you want to require sessions when calling `getSSRSession`
let session = await Session.getSession(baseRequest, baseResponse, options);
return {
hasInvalidClaims: false,
hasToken: session !== undefined,
} catch (err) {
if (Session.Error.isErrorFromSuperTokens(err)) {
return {
hasToken: err.type !== Session.Error.UNAUTHORISED,
* This allows us to protect our routes based on the current session claims. For example
* this will be true if email verification is required but the user has not verified their
* email.
hasInvalidClaims: err.type === Session.Error.INVALID_CLAIMS,
session: undefined,
nextResponse: new NextResponse("Authentication required", {
status: err.type === Session.Error.INVALID_CLAIMS ? 403 : 401,
} else {
throw err;

export async function withSession(
request: NextRequest,
handler: (session: SessionContainer | undefined) => Promise<NextResponse>,
options?: VerifySessionOptions
) {
let { session, nextResponse, baseResponse } = await getSSRSession(request, options);
if (nextResponse) {
return nextResponse;

let userResponse = await handler(session);

let didAddCookies = false;
let didAddHeaders = false;

* Base response is the response from SuperTokens that contains all the session tokens.
* We add all cookies and headers in the base response to the final response from the
* API to make sure sessions work correctly.
for (const respCookie of baseResponse.cookies) {
didAddCookies = true;
serialize(respCookie.key, respCookie.value, {
domain: respCookie.domain,
expires: new Date(respCookie.expires),
httpOnly: respCookie.httpOnly,
path: respCookie.path,
sameSite: respCookie.sameSite,

baseResponse.headers.forEach((value: string, key: string) => {
didAddHeaders = true;
userResponse.headers.set(key, value);

* For some deployment services (Vercel for example) production builds can return cached results for
* APIs with older header values. In this case if the session tokens have changed (because of refreshing
* for example) the cached result would still contain the older tokens and sessions would stop working.
* As a result, if we add cookies or headers from base response we also set the Cache-Control header
* to make sure that the final result is not a cached version.
if (didAddCookies || didAddHeaders) {
if (!userResponse.headers.has("Cache-Control")) {
// This is needed for production deployments with Vercel
userResponse.headers.set("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate");

return userResponse;
  • getSSRSession will be used in our frontend routes to get session information when rendering on the server side. This function will:

    • {..., session: Object, hasToken: true} if a session exists
    • {..., session: undefined, hasToken: false} if a session does not exist
    • {..., session: undefined, hasToken: true, hasInvalidClaims: false} if the session is expired
    • {..., session: undefined, hasToken: true, hasInvalidClaims: true} If the session claims fail their validation. For example if email verification if required but the user's email has not been verified.
  • withSession will be used as a session guard for each of our API routes. If a session exists it will be passed to the callback, which is where we will write our API logic. If no session exists it will pass undefined to the callback. This function will:

    • Return status 401 if the session has expired
    • Return status 403 if the session claims fail their validation. For example if email verification if required but the user's email has not been verified.
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